Our goal is to provide a comprehensive end-to-end solution for all aspects of the patient payment process. |
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How it Works |
Since our solutions is completly cloud base there no software to install |
First we will help your practice get a TSYS merchant account in a few days you will receive a Encrypted Card reader |
We will email your login information then Upload patients information from a .csv file exported from your patient accounting prorgram and now you're ready to start processing. |
The whole process should take less then couple of weeks. |
The tutorials below should help you understand how to use the system |
Admin user overview. | Flash |
Back Office user overview. | Flash |
Front Desk user overview. | Flash |
Patient Management overview. | Flash |
Process OneTime Payment overview. | Flash |
Process Recurring Payment overview. | Flash |
Reports overview. | Flash |
System overview. | Flash |